Do you rely on digital advertising and interactive displays? Not satisfied with the current solution? What bothers you the most? Limited functionality, static advertising?
What's on your wish list for a new digital advertising platform? 4K or even 8K resolution? Possibility of setting up a multi-screen video wall? Multi-screen layout across different rooms? An integrated content management system (CMS)?
All this and more is offered by BrightSign media players, which are also the first choice of Teksel d.o.o. BrightSign media players are easy to install and feature many built-in features, including everything on your wish list. All BrightSign players have Control Cloud (a free CMS system) that allows easy setup and content creation. There is an upgraded version of Content Cloud, a sophisticated management system.
Custom content
You can create dynamic and personalized content that matches the message you want to convey to your visitors. Content can be tailored for specific days, hours and even spaces. Custom content lets you use your imagination to create interactive ads.
Instant adjustment
You can adjust the content of the screen or screens at any time. This allows you to adapt to what is happening in real time. Some BrightSign players and CMS systems allow you to display advertising sources in real time, such as Twitter posts and the like.
Quick and easy
Content management can be simplified with an integrated CMS system. You can create schedules of content in advance, which you can also interrupt at any time and immediately show other content.
Under the spotlight
With dynamic custom content, you'll effortlessly capture customers' attention and encourage them to interact with your brand.
One step ahead of the competition
Take advantage of the latest digital advertising technology and stand out from the competition.
Advanced capabilities of the BrightSign platform
BrightSign players are extremely easy to use. All you need to do is to connect the player and the interactive display with an HDMI cable. With the BSN.Cloud platform, you can make the process even easier, as it allows you to create a cloud storage network.
4K and 8K resolution
BrightSign media players provide true 4K video playback. In addition, they offer superior scaling that ensures original video quality for all screen sizes. This includes the ability to upgrade the resolution from Full HD to 4K. The built-in HDMI 2.0a connectors support playback at a resolution of 3840 x 2160, 60 fps. High-efficiency H.265 encoding enhances the delivery of high-quality 4K content.
The latest and most powerful BrightSign XC5 player supports stunning 8K resolution and surpasses PCs for digital advertising in terms of performance, reliability and longevity. One XC5 player could power as many as 4 screens simultaneously.
BrightSign players allow users to play standard HTML 5 content, including CSS animations, JavaScript, WebGL, and more.
Mosaic mode
This mode allows users to play multiple videos at a lower resolution at the same time.
The media player allows you to increase engagement with your targeted audience through two-way communication. This is possible thanks to the communication between BrightSign's digital systems and mobile devices. BrightBeacon enhances the entire digital advertising experience by driving real-time interaction. Simply put, it creates a focused personal experience on separate screens. Using transceivers and Bluetooth technology, you can create two-way communication between BrightSign players and phones. As a result, you can create targeted promotions specific to a specific location.
BSN.Cloud is a platform that eliminates the problem of creating and delivering remote content to one or more units. With encryption features, you are guaranteed the security of your content on screens and in the cloud.
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